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Esha Adnan

Class of 2024-2025

About Esha

Esha Adnan, a first-generation Pakistani Muslim, is in her senior year at the CUNY Baccalaureate of Interdisciplinary and Unique Studies and Macaulay Honors Program. Dissatisfied with the confines of traditional majors, she took the step of crafting her own field of study—International Development and the Economy of the Oppressed. This unique interdisciplinary focus involves examining the intricate interplay between social norms and the trajectories of political and economic development across diverse regions.   Her journey into community organizing began during an internship at the American Civil Liberties Union, specifically in the National Political Advocacy Department. It was here that she grasped the pivotal role of community organizing in shaping policy proposals and effecting governmental changes. Inspired by this experience, Esha developed a campaign proposal aimed at curbing anti-Muslim bias within government-sanctioned surveillance programs. This initiative laid the foundation for her final thesis, a quantitative exploration of the contemporary surveillance measures and their impact on the political expression of the Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities.   Esha’s aspirations extend beyond national boundaries; her passion for international affairs and development stems from her upbringing in a family deeply entrenched in upholding gender roles within Pakistani society. This curiosity led her to Accra, Ghana, for a transformative study abroad program. While volunteering at community hospitals, she delved into the intricate ways cultural norms influence reproductive justice, as well as women’s economic and political empowerment. The experience reinforced her conviction in the significance of community organizing, particularly when collaborating with advocates for reproductive healthcare reform who emphasized the necessity of understanding and respecting cultural influences.   Actively involved in the American Pakistani Advocacy Group, Esha serves as a vocal advocate for the rights of Pakistani and South Asian immigrants in the United States, maintaining a strong connection to her community. Beyond her academic and advocacy pursuits, Esha finds comfort in watching Bollywood movies and reading a diverse range of books, seamlessly escaping into the realms of fantasy during her leisure time. She is currently on the path to earning a BA from Macaulay Honors College, a BA from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and a BA from CUNY Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies, all slated for completion in May 2024.

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