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Jeffrey Laurence

Class of 1974-1975

About Jeffrey

Jeffrey Laurence, M.D., is a professor of medicine in the division of hematology-oncology at Weill Cornell Medical College, attending physician at New York Presbyterian Hospital, and director of the Laboratory for AIDS Virus Research at those institutions. He is also editor in chief of  AIDS Patient Care and STDs  and  Translational Research and senior scientific consultant for programs at amfAR.
Dr. Laurence has authored more than 150 scientific papers related to AIDS. In 1983, he went to the Institut Pasteur in Paris to collaborate with Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of HIV. Dr. Laurence was first author on their 1984 paper in the  New England Journal of Medicine , which further documented LAV/HIV as the cause of AIDS and identified a carrier state for HIV infection. He is a member of several national and international AIDS organizations.
Dr. Laurence is a recipient of the Clinician-Scientist Award of the American Heart Association and the William S. Paley Fellowship in Academic Medicine, and is an elected fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences and the American Society for Clinical Investigation. He was also a Rhodes Scholar-elect and a Luce Scholar to Japan. Dr. Laurence received his B.A. summa cum laude from Columbia University, where he was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and received his M.D. with honors from the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine. He lives in Greenwich, Connecticut, and has three children. (updated 2019)

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