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Joshua Ginsberg

Class of 1980-1981

About Joshua

(updated 5/2020) Joshua Ginsberg was born and raised in New York and is the President of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, an independent ecological research institute based in Millbrook, NY. Dr. Ginsberg was the Senior Vice President, Global Conservation at the Wildlife Conservation Society from 2009 to 2014 where he oversaw a $90 million portfolio of conservation initiatives in 60 countries around the world. He spent 15 years working as a field biologist in Thailand and across East and Southern Africa leading a variety of mammal ecology and conservation projects. As Director of the Asia and Pacific Program at the Wildlife Conservation Society from 1996 until September 2004, Dr. Ginsberg oversaw 100 projects in 16 countries. Dr. Ginsberg also served as Vice President for Conservation Operations at WCS from 2003-2009.
He served as the Chairman of the NOAA/NMFS Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Team from 2001–2007. Dr. Ginsberg sits on the Board of the Open Space Institute, TRAFFIC International the Salisbury Forum and the Foundation for Community Health and is an advisor to the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History and Scenic Hudson. He was a founding board member of Video Volunteers and of the Blacksmith Institute/Pure Earth. He has held faculty positions at Oxford University and University College London, and is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia University since 1998 and has taught conservation biology and international relations of the environment. He has supervised 19 Masters and nine Ph. D. students and is an author on over 60 reviewed papers and has edited three books on wildlife conservation, ecology and evolution.
He was a 1980-1981 Luce Scholar in Thailand where he served as a naturalist in the Thai National Parks Service, based in Tarutao National Park. While a Luce Scholar, he raised funds for research on endangered sea turtles, and was co-Principal Investigator of World Wildlife Fund (International) Project 1816. He received a B. Sc. from Yale, and holds an M.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton in Ecology and Evolution.

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