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Maame Boatemaa

Class of 2021-2022

About Maame

Maame is a scholar-practitioner whose interest in cities emerged at the juncture of her studies in urban political ecology, climate resiliency, and inequality in cities. As an Albert Gallatin Scholar at New York University, she critically interrogated how urban spaces transform in diverse social, economic, and political settings, and won several grants for research in Ghana, Kenya, and Senegal. Maame completed her graduate studies at the London School of Economics before moving to Seoul as a Luce fellow. In South Korea, she spent the first half of her Luce year working at the University of Seoul and with a team of planners hired by the Paraguayan government to draw up a master plan for the flood-prone area of Bañado Sur. Following this project, Maame joined the editing team at the Korea JoongAng Daily, a New York Times-affiliated newspaper in Seoul, to learn more about Korea’s current affairs. After her Luce year, Maame plans to matriculate at Cornell University where she will spend the next few years conducting research as a doctoral student in the city planning department. (

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